
Lectures in “Database in Engineering” with 3rd year (undergraduate students. Lectures in "Parallel Processing and Distributed Systems" with 4th year (undergraduate) students. Lectures in "Professional Software for Database Applications" (Master, Ist year).

Project management in both Agile and Planned Iterative environments. Managing all project management areas (Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resource, Communications, Risk, Procurement)

Client core R&D, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone client development for Telmap location based services applications.

Medical information systems, medical imaging, teleradiology, teleconsultation solutions.

Development of application level software for the OGO family of products (C,C++, Embedded programming, mobile communication).

Development and Research projects in medical imaging, computational electromagnetics; R&D in medical information systems.

Development of an integrated system centered on a local tax calculation application; tax module design and implementation using Managed C++ (Visual.NET) and database meta-structure design and implementation using T/SQL scripts (MS SQL Server).

Project management for two software products: a ceramic image processing software and a pre-and post-processor for one electromagnetic field simulation software. Software development related to electromagnetic field analysis (model, design and implementation), partial parallel version of the solver (C++, FORTRAN, OpenMP, MPI), pre-and post-processor for an electromagnetic field simulation software (Visual.NET, OpenGL), a general purpose post-processor for PDE (Java, Java3D, XML parser), a preprocessor for a terrestrial water flow simulation (Visual.NET). Protection module design and implementation for our major software product (Windows API for hard-key programming, Visual C++ 6.0, data encryption algorithms). Client database software system design and implementation for license management (Access, ODBC, Visual C++, encryption algorithms). Image processing related software development including a program for ceramic image processing (Visual C++, image processing, features extraction), a software for real-t-time satellite positioning (C, C++, image processing, real-time algorithms, pattern recognition) and a FFT-based fringe pattern analysis software module included in a fluids dosage system used in bioengineering. Serial communication and real-time programming (Visual C++) for command of an external 12-channel power source used for the control of micro-pumps included in a fluids dosage system used in bioengineering. Applied research in electromagnetic field analysis and image analysis. Maintenance, distribution, customer support for our software products. Web development for English version of product homepage (JavaScript, HTML).

Software development (C, C++, FORTRAN) for electromagnetic field simulation and inverse problems in electromagnetism applied to nondestructive techniques for detection of cracks in pressurized water reactor steam generator tubing, detection of aging material areas in non-magnetic materials and crack detection in magnetic tubes. A FEM-BEM-based nonlinear eddy-current analysis code development. Applied research related to problem independent inverse methods (Neural networks, independent component analysis, genetic algorithms).

Development of integral-FEM analysis software (C, FORTRAN) for nonlinear eddy current in moving media. Lectures in electromagnetic field theory, numerical methods for PDE.

Parallel version using MPI of an integral-FEM based software for eddy-current analysis in moving media.