Research grant type: Exploratory research project - IDEAS (Romanian Gouvernamental National Research Plan II: 2007-2013) |
Funding authority: The research is financed by The Romanian Education, Research and Innovation Ministry / through The National University Research Council (CNCSIS) IDEI program |
CNCSIS code: ID_2197 (2008 competition) |
Project duration: 2009-2011 |
Financing contract no.: 656/2009 |
The project proposes to develop three important aspects in nonlinear circuit simulation, with emphasis on RF circuit simulation: a new method for the choice of the time step in transient analysis, a new method of envelope following and a new algorithm for frequency domain analysis. Each of these aspects is approached starting with a study of the existing solutions, continuing with new algorithm development and optimization, its implementation, and its test on simple examples. The usefulness of these methods will be established by testing them on three categories of RF circuits, whose simulation with existing methods exhibits outstanding difficulties: mixers, nonlinear amplifiers, and switched capacitor circuits. Finally the maximum efficiency area of these methods will be established in comparison with the most performant known methods. |
Senior Researchers |
Prof. dr. ing. Florin CONSTANTINESCU
Prof. dr. ing. Miruna NIŢESCU
As.Prof. dr. ing. Mihai MARICARU (Postdoc)
Ing. drd. Alexandru Gabriel GHEORGHE (Ph.D. Student)
Ing. drd. Lilica CORLAN (Ph.D. Student) (starting from 1 nov. 2009)
The importance and relevance of scientific content ( PDF)
The project main objectives ( PDF)
The Research Plan: Objectives & Schedule of Activities |
Goals (Name of the obiective) |
Associated activities |
1. A new alghorithm for the time step choice |
- Theoretical analysis of the existing algorithms in SPICE, SPECTRE and PAN, and case studies
- Energy computation and energetic errors definition
- Realization of a set of time choice strategies
- Implementation of the proposed algorithm in SPICE3 sources
- Testing on simple examples
- Comparison with SPICE and SPECTRE strategies
2. A new frequency domain analysis algorithm |
- Theoretical analysis of the harmonic balance and Fourier envelope algorithms
- Algorithm realisation
- Testing using simple examples
- Optimisation of the algorithm making the transformations between time domain and frequency domain signal representations
- Algorithm optimization for solving linear equations
- Testing on simple examples
3. A new envelope following algorithm |
- Theoretical analysis of the existing algorithms in SPECTRE and PAN
- Realisation of the jump computation algorithm
- Testing on simple examples
4. Efficiency of the proposed methods for mixers analysis |
- Transient analysis - case studies
- Envelope following analysis - case studies
- Comparison between the transient and envelope following analysis
- Frequency domain analysis - case studies
- Comparison with the harmonic balance and with the Fourier envelope method
- Comparison with the time domain analysis
5. Efficiency of the proposed methods for nonlinear amplifiers analysis |
- Transient analysis - case studies
- Envelope following analysis - case studies
- Comparison between the transient and envelope following analysis
- Frequency domain analysis - case studies
- Comparison with the harmonic balance and with the Fourier envelope method
- Comparison with the time domain analysis
6. Efficiency of the proposed methods for switched capacitors analysis |
- Transient analysis - case studies
- Envelope following analysis - case studies
- Comparison between the transient and envelope following analysis
- Frequency domain analysis - case studies
- Comparison with the harmonic balance and with the Fourier envelope method
- Comparison with the time domain analysis
More detailed ( PDF (in Romanian)) |
Summary of Research (Abstracts of Research Reports) |
Year 2009 |
Stages I & II ( PDF(in Romanian)) 15.12.2009 |
The Results of Researches Carried Out |
Year 2009 |
General Report for stages I & II ( PDF(in Romanian)) 15.12.2009 |
Year 2009 |
- F. I. Hănţilă , F. Constantinescu, A. G. Gheorghe, M. Niţescu, M. Maricaru, "A New Algorithm for Frequency Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn, serie Electrotechn. Et Energ. (ISI), ISSN: 0035-4066, Vol. 54, No.1, 2009, pp. 57-66.
- F. Constantinescu, A. G. Gheorghe, Miruna Nitescu, "The energy balance error for circuit transient analysis", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn, serie Electrotechn. Et Energ. (ISI), ISSN: 0035-4066, Vol. 55, No.3, 2010 (approved for publication).
- F. Constantinescu, A. G. Gheorghe, M. Nitescu, "An Energy Balance Error Based Algorithm for Time Step Choice", JAPMED’6 (6th Japanese-Mediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings, ISBN 978-606-521-346-3, July 27-29, 2009, pp. 91-92.
- I. F. Hantila, M. Vasiliu, A. Moraru, M. Maricaru, "Utilizing the Polarization Method for Solving a Nonlinear Magnetic Shielding Problem", JAPMED’6 (6th Japanese-Mediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings, ISBN 978-606-521-346-3, July 27-29, 2009, pp. 93-94.
- Florin Constantinescu, Alexandru Gabriel Gheorghe and Miruna Nitescu, "A Time Step Choice Algorithm for Transient Analysis of Circuits", AFRICON 2009, Nairobi, Kenya, September 23-26, 2009.
The Progress in Achieving Performance Indices |
Year 2009 |
Number of papers accepted for publication in ISI-indexed journals:
provided at the start of the contract: 1
reported at the end of this stage : 2
(one published during this year, one accepted for publication)
Expected minimum performance level ( PDF(in Romanian)) -from contract-
Young researchers involvement reflected in personnel costs in 2009: about 44 %
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Electrical Engineering Department
313, Splaiul Independentei, Sector 6, Bucharest, ROMANIA, 060042
Tel/Fax: (004) 021 402 9144
E-mail: hantila{at}elth.pub.ro |