Untitled Document

Registration Fees

Registration fees:
300 RON before April 10, 2013,
350 RON after April 10, 2013.

Registration fee for students*:
150 RON before April 10, 2013,
180 RON after
April 10, 2013.
* Students must provide evidence, properly signed and sealed of their affiliation

The registration fees include the admission to the Symposium sessions, a copy of the Symposium Proceedings and coffee breaks. 

Each additional copy of the Symposium Proceedings: 50 RON.

Get Together Party: 80 RON.

Method of Payment

Bank Transfer

Bank transfers should be wired to the account below. Please do not forget to note "ATEE 2013" in the payment reference field and make sure that the transfer request shows the name of the participant.

Bank Account:

To be announced.

On site Payment

The amount of fee will be paid in cash, only in RON currency, at Conferene Desk.

