25th November



10.00 – 12.00    Opening ceremony  (EA 002)

Celebration of 100 years from the birth of

                                        acad. REMUS RĂDULEŢ


12.00 – 14.00      Technical Exposition organized by companies owned

                            by graduates of the Electrotechnical Faculty


14.00 – 15.00      Plenary Session:


                                Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti în faţa 

                              exigenţelor  impuse de sistemul managementului calităţii

                                Mihai Octavian Popescu, Claudia Laurenţa Popescu


                                        Objectives and Scientific Aceivements of

                                 the  FP6/IST/Codestar European Project dedicated to

                                 Compact Modeling of On-chip Passive Structures

                                D. Ioan, W. Schielders, W. Schoenmaker, P. Meuris,

   E. Seebacher, D. De Zutter, J Maubach


15.00 – 18.30      Thematic Section Sessions


19.00                   Festive dinner at Restaurant „Leu”



26th November


9.00 -10.00     Plenary session:


                       Modelling of electrostatic separation processes

                           using Taguchi’s experimental design methodology

            Lucien Dascalescu 


        Detection and Measurement of Fatigue State in

                            Ferromagnetic and Austenitic Steels using Eddy

                            Current Sensors Arrays

                        R. Grimberg, A. Savin, L. Udpa, S. Udpa , R. Steigmann


10.00 – 18.00 Workshop :     Noul curriculum de Inginerie electrică

                       (EA 119)              Chairs: M.O.Popescu

                                                               Radu Munteanu                                                                                    Mihai Iordache


10.00 – 14.00  Workshop:     The FEMLAB Multiphysics

                                                               and its Applications

                                                        Chairs: Morega

                                                              Mircea Covrig

                                                              Dumitru Stanciu


10.00 – 14.00  Workshop:     Compact Modelling of On-Chip Passive                                            (EB 206)               Structures at High Frequencies

                                                          Chairs: Daniel Ioan

                                                              Wil Schielders



